Help with forming a grass seed mixture
HEADING DATES Keep mixture varieties to 10/12 day heading span for ease of grass management.
TETRAPLOIDS Keep tetraploids which are higher yielding, more palatable and more tolerant to drought than diploids but are less persistant, have a more open swart and less dry matter content below 40%.
SOWING RATE Sowing weight can vary from 11.5 to 15kgs per acre depending on time of year and ground conditions.
CLOVER SEED Use large leaf clover seed for silage / medium for grazing. In mixed system consider a blend of both.
When forming your mixture it is important to remember what your particular needs are:
Soil Types
Light or sharp land prone to burning mid summer use grasses with high spring growth.
Heavier land use high autumn growth / good ground cover grasses.
Moory type soils need a high content of late diploid grass seed with very little tetraploid. A small amount of Timothy is also useful (eg 1kg) to improve the sod. Timothy grows well in this type of soil.
When is grass most scarce on your farm?
For example, if it is spring, use grasses with a high spring growth.
Using the charts provided select grasses from the Spring & Autumn growth pattern that most suit your needs.
All varieties are late heading, with a tight time frame for ease of sward management. Delphin and Aspect have very good Spring growth. Glenveagh has good Autumn growth.
- 2.00 Kgs Delphin (Tet) Late
- 2.00 Kgs Glenveagh Late
- 2.50 Kgs Glenroyal Late
- 2.50 Kgs Stefani Late
- 2.00 Kgs Aspect(Tet)
- 1.00 Kgs Avoca blend
- 12.Kgs Per Acre
Estimated time of first cut of silage?
By using the heading dates on the charts you can form a mixture that can fit in with your preferred times for silage cutting.
All varietes are late heading,have good conservation qualities.They produce a dence silage sward and very leafy aftergrass.Ideal cutting time is end of May or early June
- 4.00 Kgs Delphin (tet) Late
- 4.00 Kgs Glenveagh Late
- 3.25 Kgs Glenroyal Late
- 0.50 Kgs Avoca White Clover
- 11.75 Kgs Per Acre
Tetraploid content no more than 25/35%
Grass seed mixture suitable for hay/silage/mixed grazing
For hay silage and mixed grazing, grass seed mixture needs to be a few days earlier in heading dates:
General Purpose No.2
- 3.50 Kgs Rodrigo (Inter)
- 2.25 Kgs Trend (tet)
- 2.50 Kgs Glenroyal (late)
- 3.00 Kgs Delphin (Tet)
- 0.50 Kgs Avoca White Clover
- 11.75 Kgs Per Acre
Early Graze Mixture reps grass seed mixture
Late heading grass seed mixture with very good spring growth. Suitable for intensive grazing on dry land where stock is turned early.
3.00 KGS Tyrella (L) - 3.00 KGS Abergain(Late Tet)
- 3.00 KGS Aberchoice(late)
- 3.00 KGS Astonenergy (Late tet)
- 12.00 Kgs Per Acre
Horse Mixture
For grass seed mixture for horses avoid using tetraploid varieties or clovers. Timothy & Creeping Red Fescue may be added to increase fibre content, ground cover, and improve the sod.
3.50 KGS Rodrigo (Mid) - 3.00 KGS Glenveagh (Late)
- 2.50 KGS Stefani (Late)
- 1.00 KGS Timothy (Other Seed)
- 3.00 KGS Creeping Red Fescue (Other Seed)
- 13 Kgs Per Acre